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Downloads SourceCode Communication-Mobile MMS
Title: code_of_MMS Download
 Description: MMS codecs (code of), we can achieve a better understanding of the way mobile phone MMS
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader lliang2003]
 To Search: mms vc
  • [mmsencoding] - mms news Coding format of the analysis.
  • [mmlib] - MMS client phone codec, as well as recei
  • [socket] - VC realize the socke communications, is
  • [MMS_Encode_V001] - mms code to find for a long time to find
  • [mms_sr] - mms source development, including the tr
  • [ChinaMobil_MMS_Norm] - This document is issued by China Mobile
  • [Getting_Started_with_MMS] - MMS programming data entry the best, ver
  • [MMS] - MMS' s source code, including packagi
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