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 Description: Office OA, automate processes to deal with. Such as: change the application, approval of such changes.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader zhouzhiw]
 To Search: oa
  • [GAZXOA] - This is a set of office automation syste
  • [oa] - OA personnel management system, based on
  • [kaoqin0610] - Attendance system the original code, fea
  • [CommitFlow] - CommitFlow, very good process design onl
  • [2007103171112446] - oa, as oa developer reference bar
  • [oaed_zn_tb] - OA Office Automation System Enterprise I
  • [oa] - A simple to use asp small OA system is a
  • [Intelligent_Office_Office_System] - Intelligent Office Office System Office
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