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Title: opencv Download
 Description: This translation is directly from the OpenCV Beta 4.0 version of the user manual over Translation, the original documents are: <opencv_directory>/doc/ref/opencvref_cv.htm, can be From above SOURCEFORG download OpenCV project can also be directly Then from the Arab-Israeli to be a digital download: http://www.assuredigit.com/incoming/sourcecode/o pencv/chinese_docs/ref/opencvref_cv.htm. Am sure a lot of translation errors, but also some semantic terms and the original rationale Solution does not lead to translation through inaccurate or erroneous, please enlighten people. Image processing, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking in part by the RZLIU translation, pattern recognition, camera calibration and three-dimensional reconstruction in part by the HMZHANG translation, the full text of amendments to correction by the YCWEI reunification.
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