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Downloads SourceCode Graph program Graph Drawing
Title: realtime Download
 Description: Real-time Curve drawing program instance, used for industrial monitoring.// Interface Description:// set the grid spacing void SetGridResolutionX (int nGridReluX) // set the grid spacing void SetGridResolutionY (int nGridReluY) // set the scroll speed of the grid coincided with the scroll from left to right, 0 did not Dynamic void SetGridScrollSpeedX (int nSpeedX) // positive for the top-down scrolling, 0 Fixed void SetGridScrollSpeedY (int nSpeedY) // grid width void SetGridLineWidth (int nWidth) // background color void SetGridBackClr (COLORREF clr) //// lock data show that the scope of void LockRang (bool bfLock = true) // lock data show that the scope of void LockRang (float fMin, float fMax) // Set the data void SetData (float fData) // curve Color void SetLineColor (COLORREF clrLine = RGB (0, 255, 0)) void SetLineWidth (int nWidth = 1)
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