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Downloads SourceCode Communication-Mobile android
Title: NewsWidge Download
 Description: News subscription-based android device, similar to the RSS reader
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader myxuee]
 To Search:
  • [openGL-S] - openGL-es 3D cube, touch rotation, photo
  • [andbook_cn] - Learning Android' s entry-level book,
  • [NotepadCodeLab] - android os Notepad function of exercise
  • [android] - Getting Started with the actual combat a
  • [AudioTest.tar] - Audio record and play.
  • [Note] - Personal use android to write a small pr
  • [OCL] - The project is a personal staff for outd
  • [rss] - This Android phone book t
  • [androidres] - android
  • [eoeAndroid4] - eoeAndroid special fourth Android widget
File list (Check if you may need any files):
.........\...\Copy of NewsWidget(最新).apk


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