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Downloads SourceCode Communication-Mobile Com Port
Title: tccom Download
 Description: a few examples in TC2.0 and Dos
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader szllwsa930]
 To Search: dos
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  • [ Clock rar] - Precisely to a millisecond clock, as we
  • [virtualserialportdriver.Rar] - good Dongdong, virtual serial port drive
  • [ccom] - C language serial communication interfac
  • [dosCOM] - c tc language of the original Serial com
  • [serialprogrambook] - the Internet are very difficult to find
  • [serial_1] - dos testing procedures, the use of data
  • [COMHEX42] - DOS Serial debugging tools with good sup
  • [serial] - VxWorks operating in the serial, includi
  • [NumSound] - According to figures reported to voice,
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