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Title: Introduction-to-3D-Game-Programming-with-DirectX- Download
 Description: This book is an introduction to programming interactive 3D computer graphics using DirectX 9.0, with an emphasis on game development. It teaches you the fundamentals of Direct3D, after which you will be able to go on to learn and apply more advanced techniques. Assumingly, since you have this book in your hands, you have a rough idea of what DirectX is about. From a developer’s perspective, DirectX is a set of APIs (application programming interfaces) for developing multimedia applications on the Windows platform. In this book we are concerned with a particular DirectX subset, namely Direct3D. As the name implies, Direct3D is the API used for developing 3D applications.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 Source Code
................................................................\Appendix A Code
................................................................\...............\Hello World
................................................................\...............\...........\hello world.cpp
................................................................\Part II Code
................................................................\............\Chapter 1
................................................................\............\.........\D3D9 Init

................................................................\............\Chapter 2
................................................................\............\.........\no samples for chap2.txt
................................................................\............\Chapter 3





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