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Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop Shell api
Title: Shell Download
  • Category:
  • Shell api
  • Tags:
  • [PDF]
  • File Size:
  • 437kb
  • Update:
  • 2012-11-26
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • cfano
 Description: Shell is basically divided into two categories: a: a graphical interface shell (Graphical User Interface shell or GUI shell) example: the most widely used Windows Explorer (Microsoft windows family of production systems), there are also well-known Linux shell, which linux shell, including X windows manger (BlackBox and FluxBox), as well as the more powerful of the CDE, GNOME, KD, XFCE. Second: the command line shell (Command Line Interface shell, that is, CLI shell) such as: bash/sh/ksh/csh (Unix/linux systems) COMMAND.COM (MS-DOS systems) cmd.exe/characters in the command prompt (Windows NT system) Windows PowerShell (support. NET Framework technology, Windows NT systems)
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader cfano]
 To Search: linux csh cmd.exe
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