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Downloads SourceCode Communication-Mobile Symbian
Title: Source Code Download
 Description: Nokia Symbian C of the source, including send and receive text messages, send e-mail, tcp/udp socket programming, receive BIO news, send information MMS
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader happy]
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  • [timesms] - mind when sending sms. Remember when a d
  • [CrBOBO] - Delete documents folder CrBOBO Win32 com
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  • [filesender] - Procedures for p2p file transfer mode sy
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  • [EasyDgmAPI] - symbian messages to send and receive the
  • [SMS3rd] - Symbian OS SMS module engine with SMS an
  • [fb-s60] - Examples of the ball game code egg with
File list (Check if you may need any files):

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