Description: new carrier f requency offset est imat ion scheme in o rthogonal f requency
division mu lt ip lex ing (O FDM ) system is p ropo sed. The carrier f requency offset est i2
mat ion includes acqu isit ion and t rack ing, and acqu isit ion as w ell as t im ing synch ro2
n izat ion can be perfo rmed simu ltaneou sly w ith h igh accu racy. The max imum acqu i2
sit ion range can be up to one half of overall signal bandw idth. The p ropo sed t rack2
ing est imato r is a max imum 2likelihood est imato r, and in AW GN channel, abou t
7127dB imp rovemen t is ob tained compared to the Schm idl’s algo rithm w hen N =
128 in mu lt ipath channel, the p ropo sed algo rithm wo rk s w ell at moderate SNR.
- [FittFunc] - Fitting a wide range of probability dist
- [frequency_estimation] - Open-loop carrier synchronization QPSK R
- [coarsefrequencyoffset] - ofdm coarse frequency offset estimation
- [Frequency] - Frequency offset synchronization can be
- [Hz50T] - matlab
- [GardnerClassical3] - Gardner on the timing synchronization of
- [1] - 】This paper does some research on multip
- [3] - O FDM is sen sit ive to t im ing recover
- [sc] - code about OFDM
- [MM] - M &M algorithm with carrier frequency of
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