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Title: asp Download
 Description: 1. Alipay interfaces need to modify the parameters of the documents alipay_config.asp documents, index.asp buyer payment after the success of the feedback page return_url (jump page), notify_url (background notification) alipayto need not be amended. Alipay_config. asp file, seller_email, key, partner corresponding respectively Alipay account, security and cooperation checksum id, how to obtain building alipay_config.asp explanatory notes. index.asp page, need to pass parameters to this page, need to pass the parameter is the subject (product name), body (Trade Descriptions), out_trade_no (external merchant order number. In order to facilitate testing, I used this page is index.asp to date in the form of the number of strings, the order number must be guaranteed, when submitted to the payment of Po is the only, or not paid) 2. return_url and the difference between notify_url their operations. Buyer payment is successful, if the interface is specified in a return_url, buye
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