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Title: office Download
 Description: Using visual c++ 6.0 operating word and Excel method, the document than the whole, adequate Society
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 To Search: office
  • [mswordoperator] - used to manipulate the VC Office. You ca
  • [Wordoperation] - operate a word document vc procedures, t
  • [excelword] - excel, word documents, and other documen
  • [Word] - Word operation can be used to realize of
  • [Report] - The LabVIEW program is done on word, exc
  • [fdfsdfsdf] - Source source programmers programmers Gu
  • [LabVIEW_Report_Generation] - This demo is to show the wide use of Lab
  • [F5Hash] - F5 steganography algorithm, F5 algorithm
  • [Office] - Is an Office plug-ins using COM technolo
  • [VC-excel] - Programming Excel with VC operation, the
File list (Check if you may need any files):
..........\Excel 2000:用Delphi自动生成报表.doc

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