Filename | Size | Date |
recgnition toolbox\Class counts for a sample data set.txt |
..................\classcnt.txt |
..................\Data normalization for pattern recognition.txt |
..................\Demo of condensing technique for data reduction.txt |
..................\Display a matrix in a figure window.txt |
..................\Evaluation of a GMM (Gaussian mixture model).txt |
..................\gaussian.txt |
..................\GMM (gaussian mixture model) model for 1-D data.txt |
..................\gmmTrain_b.txt |
..................\KMEANS K-means clustering using Forgy's batch-mode method.txt |
..................\knn.txt |
..................\lda_b.txt |
..................\load_iris_dat.txt |
..................\localmax.txt |
..................\Maximum likelihood estimator for Gaussian distribution.txt |
..................\Maximum of a matrix.txt |
..................\Minimum of a matrix.txt |
..................\neargauss.txt |
..................\NORMAL2_M.txt |
..................\Parameter training for gaussian mixture model (GMM).txt |
..................\Pattern Recognition Toolbox.txt |
..................\pca_1.txt |
..................\pca_2.txt |
..................\pca_3.txt |
..................\Plot 1 and 2-D plots of a data matrix | where each row is a data point.txt |
..................\Plot the result of vector quantization (used in kmeans.m and vqLBG.m).txt |
..................\projfea2.txt |
..................\randelem.txt |
..................\randn2.txt |
..................\returns combinations of obj with n distinct.txt |
..................\savascii.txt |
..................\Test k-means on 2-D data.txt |
..................\Try various values of K in leave-one-out K-NNR.txt |
..................\Unique elements in a vector.txt |
..................\Using IRIS data to test looknn.txt |
..................\VECDIST Distance between two set of vectors.txt |
..................\vecdist2.txt |
..................\VECDOT Cosine of the angles betweeen two set of vectors.txt |
..................\Vector quantization using K-means clustering.txt |
..................\Vector quantization using LBG method of center splitting.txt |
..................\vqLBG_b.txt |
..................\vqLBG_bb.txt |
recgnition toolbox |