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Title: yizhonggaijindeliziqunsuanfa Download
 Description: PSO for solving function optimization problems is a new evolutionary algorithm, but it is easy to solve high-dimensional function into local optimum, in order to overcome this shortcoming, a new particle swarm algorithm, algorithm on the particle velocity and location of the update formula has been improved, so that particles in the most positions on the basis of location updates, enhancements, optimization algorithm
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  • [regular_pso_l] - PSO partial model program than the overa
  • [WUXIAN] - Simulation of wireless location algorith
  • [C_PSO] - C_PSO.rar
  • [GSM] - GSM communication flow description, incl
  • [optimization_cases_using_GA] - using Genetic Algorithm to test multi-pe
  • [LnCPSO] - LnCPSO
  • [GA] - using GA algorithm to solve multiobject
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