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Title: programs Download
 Description: a large file can be divided in small programs. Path to write the final time in a folder must add \, document number, starting from 0
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader wy_lslrt]
 To Search:
  • [Yc] - a complete genetic C language package
  • [Lover] - compilation series with a small animatio
  • [clustering] - dynamic clustering k-means figure:proper
  • [TestMethod] - http download multithreading functions a
  • [PartFile] - separate document that can be a big file
  • [splitor] - Completely using standard C++ Partition
  • [DlgAutoSize] - Different screen resolution, the dialog
  • [(2008091211)fenge] - Document segmentation and merge function
  • [File_Compression_Segmentation] - File compression and partitioning capabi
File list (Check if you may need any files):

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