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Title: ex5_1 Download
 Description: 1, the design of a class SavingsAccount, define a static data member records of deposits interest rate (rate), each member of the class contains a private data member balance, said the members of the current deposit amount. A member function CalMonthlyInterest (), to calculate the monthly interest (rate multiplied with the balance divided by 12), and this month joined the balance of interest. Provide a static member function ModifyRate (), used to change the value of the static data member rate. SavingsAccount define two different objects saver1 and saver2, the current deposit balance amount of 2000.00 and 3000.00, respectively. First, the rate is set to 3 monthly interest rate calculated for each depositor and print new results, and then rate is set to 4 , re-calculate the monthly interest of each depositor and print new results.
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