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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network ICQ-IM-Chat
Title: udp_chat Download
 Description: prepared based on UDP chat tool
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 To Search: Csharp UDP udp chat
  • [Code] - The function comprehensive enterprise v
  • [MyQQ] - Internet chat program, similar to the
  • [BCBLANChat] - simple Web chat tool
  • [(client).Zip] - (client). Zip
  • [ex2Chat] - socket on the point-to-point communicati
  • [c#_chat] - a chat program, you may Private Chat, co
  • [QQManage] - QQ outboard Class C# development, the us
  • [IWannaChat] - interesting chat software source code, i
  • [AgileIM[1].Rar] - AgileIM is a similar QQ, MSN chat softwa
  • [20080101] - p2p chat programs, servers and clients u
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