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Title: dukaqi Download
 Description: A special decoding sim card' s program, this can be accompanied by a special reader, phone card can decode, in order to achieve the copy card
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader wenhui]
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.................\第一步 区动\WIN7 驱动\WIN7_USB2Serial_Drivers.zip
.................\..三步 写卡\多号卡写卡软件.rar
.................\..二步解卡\10年11年专用解码软件\2010 2011年sim卡凤凰读卡器解卡教程+写卡教程.doc
.................\..........\..................\软件\FD V1.5全能版免杀毒解码.rar
.................\..一步 区动\WIN7 驱动
.................\第一步 区动
.................\第三步 写卡

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