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Title: 12C5A60S2P5110 Download
 Description: Monolithic and STC12C5A60S2 plus Nokia 5110 schematic display plus PCB. Hope that helps
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..............\Project Logs for 5110\5110 PCB ECO 2013-8-24 13-40-19.LOG
..............\.....................\5110 PCB ECO 2013-8-24 13-40-57.LOG
..............\.....................\5110 PCB ECO 2013-8-24 13-47-05.LOG
..............\.....................\5110 PCB ECO 2013-8-24 13-49-06.LOG
..............\.....................\5110 PCB ECO 2013-8-24 14-09-26.LOG
..............\.....................\5110 PCB ECO 2013-8-24 14-54-01.LOG
..............\.....................\5110 SCH ECO 2013-8-24 13-40-50.LOG
..............\Project Logs for 5110

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