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Title: Image-Splicing Download
 Description: Splicing operation may introduce inconsistencies in organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce scene illumination estimation methods. In Section 3, the proposed method based on illumination inconsistency is introduced. Section 4 presents experimental results and discussion. Section 5 concludes the paper. many features. In the proposed method illuminant color inconsistency is used to detect image splicing. A given color image is divided into many overlapping blocks. Then a classifier is used to adaptively select illuminant estimation algorithm based on block content. Illuminant color is estimated on each block, and the difference between the estimation and reference illuminant color is measured. If the difference is larger than a threshold, the corresponding block is labeled as spliced block. Experiments show effectiveness of the method.
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Image Splicing Detection Using Illuminant Color Inconsistency (1).pdf

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