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Title: CS_高级smtp客户端 Download
 Description: C# prepared by the High smtp client, console procedures, may rewritten for Windows programs, a full range of functions, in addition to the address of the sender, the recipient address (you can specify a number of the addressee, the current procedures set for 10, can make changes), the me, the content, but also the annex (Annex can be made more), will appoint a priority level, can designated by HTML or TEXT sent, the sender can be designated name. A total of five papers MailAttachments.cs are responsible for the annex, MailMessage.cs is responsible for handling e-mail messages. SmtpMail.cs is responsible for liaising SMTP server, SmtpServerHelper.cs is the main document, with interactive SMTP server and send mail, TestSmtpMail.cs is to test the SMTP client use. Users will be VS.NET 2
 To Search: mail server
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