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Title: Intra3D-Software Download
 Description: OpenGL-based and Windows interactive 3D graphics technology, and program design. Combination packages--interactive 3D graphics software development tools intra3D 2.0 : (1) 3D C class library and COM library system design; (2) 3D interactive algorithm and data structure design; (3) 3D graphical user interface design; (4 ) use Visual C and 2.0 C Class intra3D prepared interactive 3D applications; (5) The use of Visual Basic 2.0 and COM library intra3D prepared interactive 3D applications. Intra3D 2.0 is free software that can be used to quickly develop PC platform interactive 3D graphics software application, its 70,000's core public all procedures. Intra3D series won the first version of the Chinese University Computer software display contest won.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader Peter1860]
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