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Downloads SourceCode Multimedia program VOIP program
Title: electronicpress Download
 Description: Video Conference System of Whiteboard source for the sharing of documents and images and other data
  • [RecAvi] - screen videos, VFW. There is a very good
  • [whiteboard] - White board like windows NetMeeting, Dll
  • [MyQQprocedures.Rar] - himself in an instant chat, can achieve
  • [Whiteboardcode(Java).Zip] - this is a procedure Whiteboard Network C
  • [IPmeeting] - Video RTP with the procedures, or throug
  • [HWR] - Handwriting recognition the new procedur
  • [networks] - Conference Room network features, I hope
  • [videochat] - On the P2P way video conferencing softwa
  • [WhiteBoard_vb.net] - Whiteboard VB source code after decompre
  • [shipin] - The use of the system, you can use an or
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