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Title: VC_collectionresource Download
 Description: VC Series (best version) book distribution source code, a combination of VC development of the advanced features of some source code
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  • [w_dsk] - w_dsk.rar VB prepared by the graphics wi
  • [inside_asp.net_resourcecode] - technology Asp. Net insider book distrib
  • [EVCImageViewer] - windows ce under the Photo View procedur
  • [CLedShowDemo] - Node digital simulation show that simula
  • [works] - Software project to develop a complete s
  • [xx] - Network Mission+ V6.5 [source]. Network
  • [Appendix03] - In windows using VisualC++ Prepared hard
  • [dll] - VC++6.0 based on the development of calc
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