Description: VHDL (hardware description language) wrote a two-dimensional 8* 8 discrete cosine transform (D CT) and the anti-transform (IDCT). fully synchronous design, low gate count. can be used for multimedia and print applications.
- [VC-DCT] - fast DCT discrete cosine transform, can
- [20060412183015974] - on the Verilog HDL source code and testi
- [dualportRAM] - dual-port RAM VHDL. Totally CPLD chip te
- [DCT2-lele] - similar to the use of butterfly FFT algo
- [shipingkonzhi] - Using VHDL realize video control procedu
- [jpeg] - This paper mainly introduces the coding
- [DCT_IDCT] - Discrete cosine transform and inverse di
- [DCT] - For video images encoded 8 × 8DCT transf
- [IDCT] - Anti-DCT transform code, had passed thro
- [DCTPROGRAM.ZIP] - it is verilog code for two dimentional d
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