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 Description: blue news v3.2 functions : 1. Information V3.0 changes blue bug of some 2. Friendly interface. simple properties of the optimal speed. 3.Aspx document all use codebehind code for separation of interface changes easily. 4. Administrators can set up the default style, the user can freely choose style system. 5. Can be installed and recommended news portal. 6. Homepage can be set rolling pictures, and automatically generated thumbnail. 7. News Photos can be uploaded online convenience. 8. Press count audit and browsing functions. 9. Use (similar to Word) editing, it can be convenient for Graphic News gray. 10. Information can be done right keyword inquiries. 11. News categories can be dynamic management. 12. 3 pm competence : the system administrator, the auditors, the entry clerk, Administra
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