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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network ICQ-IM-Chat
Title: leiqqxiaochengxu Download
 Description: one with the QQ are like chat tools, server and client
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader lingyiya]
 To Search: QQ
  • [chat tool] - imitating msn ,this chat tool can commun
  • [SpeakFleely] - outstanding IP network voice communicati
  • [gsm-1.0.11.tar] - GSM 6.10 voice compression algorithm, po
  • [200581914539986] - OICQ source with QQ-expressions such as
  • [charing] - prepared chat procedures, and client ser
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  • [wangluomeeting] - network meeting software. Running on the
  • [INTERNET_Talk] - people chat rooms, Internet programming
  • [iQQSrc1.02.8] - similar to the source code that revenue.
  • [QQ] - Similar QQ chat tools implemented in c +
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