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Title: Image-recognition-classic-article Download
 Description: Image recognition aspects of the classic article, a total of 24, are English articles.
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图像识别经典文章\1 comaniciu 2002 (mean shift).pdf
................\A Discriminatively Trained Multiscale Deformable Part Model.pdf
................\A performance evaluation of local descriptors..pdf
................\A Performance Evaluation of Local Descriptors.pdf
................\A Survey of Shape Feature Extraction Techniques.pdf
................\Detecting Faces in Images—A Survey.pdf
................\Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints..pdf
................\Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation.pdf
................\Evaluation of Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition.pdf
................\Fields of experts:A framework for learning image priors.pdf
................\Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection..pdf
................\Image denoising using scale mixtures of gaussians in the wavelet domain..pdf
................\Image_Alignment and Stitching.pdf
................\Local Invariant Feature Detectors.pdf
................\review of shape representation and description techniques.pdf
................\Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation (1).pdf
................\Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation.pdf
................\Robust Principal Component Analysis.pdf
................\Segmentation Integrating Color Texture,Motion and Shape.pdf
................\Shape matching and object recognition using low distortion correspondences.pdf
................\Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts_S.Belongie.pdf
................\Statistical Color Models with Application to Skin Detection.pdf
................\SURF:Speeded Up Robust Features.pdf
................\Unifying SegmentationDetectionAndRecognition.pdf

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