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Title: VictorIdeVcl_b105 Download
 Description: 1.ImButton : Dynamic effects of button controls, can be set to various exterior style, mouse sensors change color bitmap can be inserted, and will support image animation effects, but also a self-portrait incidents themselves appearance. 2.ValidateEdit : to limit the importation of content input box, BCB's own TMaskEdit many inconvenient places, I still miss not Builder before the Borland C ValidateEdit, to limit the importation of integers, floats, or importing their own arbitrary restrictions, such as the number of characters in Chinese characters, such symbols. 3.UrlLabel : hyperlinks can be realized labeling controls, as long as the property can be completed, the support of the mouse sensors change color. 4.YbUpDownEdit : The next arrow Numerical size can be adjusted to the input b
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