Filename | Size | Date |
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Font25x32.font | 59273 | 2013-04-28
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Last Loaded Test ILI9325 + Arduino Mega.DBK | 1203342 | 2014-08-18
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\ROM.bin | 338880 | 2014-05-09
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega - копия.bas | 8128 | 2014-05-10
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega - копия.bin | 35496 | 2014-05-17
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega - копия.dbg | 485658 | 2014-05-17
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega - копия.hex | 99852 | 2014-05-17
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega - копия.obj | 159927 | 2014-05-17
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega - копия.rpt | 67540 | 2014-05-17
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.bas | 8298 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.bin | 30338 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.BM | 64 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\TEST ILI9325 + ANDURINO MEGA.CFG | 639 | 2014-05-10
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.dbg | 493394 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.err | 310 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.hex | 85350 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.obj | 136748 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Andurino Mega.rpt | 67704 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Arduino Mega.DSN | 1202957 | 2014-08-18
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Test ILI9325 + Arduino Mega.PWI | 2015 | 2014-08-18
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Библиотека Bascom\ILI9325 16bit | 35645 | 2014-05-09
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Библиотека Bascom\sd-card_declarations.BM | 64 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Библиотека Bascom\ | 5950 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Библиотека Bascom\sd-card_routines .BM | 64 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Библиотека Bascom\sd-card_routines .inc | 1028 | 2014-05-11
ILI9325\Calculator-Mega2560\Библиотека Bascom\ | 758 | 2014-05-09
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Animals.BGC | 11005 | 2014-01-22
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Coffee.bin | 38400 | 2014-01-22
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\color16x16.font | 8882 | 2006-04-11
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Color16x24.font | 2674 | 2014-01-27
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\color8x8.font | 3064 | 2006-04-12
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Font12x16.font | 17096 | 2013-11-13
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Font25x32.font | 59273 | 2013-04-28
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Font36x56.font | 8244 | 2013-05-02
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\ILI9325 library.BM | 64 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\ILI9325 | 36530 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\ILI9325_8bit.DSN | 1662554 | 2014-08-18
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\ILI9325_8bit.PWI | 2506 | 2014-08-18
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\ISIS.dmp | 78627 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Landscape Test ILI9325.bas | 7220 | 2014-05-14
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Landscape Test ILI9325.bin | 105950 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Landscape Test ILI9325.BM | 64 | 2014-05-14
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Landscape Test ILI9325.dbg | 417910 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Landscape Test ILI9325.hex | 298016 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Landscape Test ILI9325.obj | 476957 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Landscape Test ILI9325.rpt | 56242 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Last Loaded ILI9325_8bit.DBK | 1662697 | 2014-05-24
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Portrait Test ILI9325.bas | 7515 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Portrait Test ILI9325.bin | 107028 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Portrait Test ILI9325.BM | 64 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Portrait Test ILI9325.dbg | 417924 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Portrait Test ILI9325.hex | 301056 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Portrait Test ILI9325.obj | 481807 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\Portrait Test ILI9325.rpt | 56241 | 2014-05-15
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\ROM-4Mbit.bin | 524288 | 2014-01-25
ILI9325\ILI9325 8bit\ROM-8Mbit (1).bin | 1048576 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\444444ROM-8Mbit.bin | 1048576 | 2014-01-26
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Animals.BGC | 11005 | 2014-01-22
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Backup Of Проверка модели.DBK | 1712004 | 2014-05-03
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Backup Of Проверка модели.pdsbak | 347048 | 2014-05-04
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Coffee.bin | 38400 | 2014-01-22
ILI9325\Kartinki222\color16x16.font | 8882 | 2006-04-11
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Color16x24.font | 2674 | 2014-01-27
ILI9325\Kartinki222\color8x8.font | 3064 | 2006-04-12
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Font12x16.font | 17096 | 2013-11-13
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Font25x32.font | 59273 | 2013-04-28
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Font36x56.font | 8244 | 2013-05-02
ILI9325\Kartinki222\ILI9325 16bit | 35531 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\ISIS.dmp | 57727 | 2014-05-06
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Kartinki777.DSN | 1199482 | 2014-08-18
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Kartinki777.PWI | 3835 | 2014-08-18
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Last Loaded Kartinki777.DBK | 1201415 | 2014-05-24
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Last Loaded Проверка модели.DBK | 1726014 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\ROM-4Mbit.bin | 524288 | 2014-01-25
ILI9325\Kartinki222\ROM-8Mbit (1).bin | 1048576 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega1284P.bas | 6953 | 2014-02-15
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega1284P.bin | 105080 | 2014-05-03
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega1284P.BM | 64 | 2014-02-15
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega1284P.dbg | 338116 | 2014-05-03
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega1284P.hex | 295574 | 2014-05-03
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega1284P.obj | 473069 | 2014-05-03
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega1284P.rpt | 44239 | 2014-05-03
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.bas | 3532 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.bin | 3146 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.BM | 64 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.dbg | 424336 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.hex | 8866 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.obj | 14278 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.rpt | 61027 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test_2 ILI9325 + Atmega2561.bin | 105040 | 2014-05-04
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test_2 ILI9325 + Atmega2561.BM | 64 | 2014-05-04
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test_2 ILI9325 + Atmega2561.dbg | 424982 | 2014-05-04
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test_2 ILI9325 + Atmega2561.hex | 295455 | 2014-05-04
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test_2 ILI9325 + Atmega2561.obj | 472922 | 2014-05-04
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Test_2 ILI9325 + Atmega2561.rpt | 60343 | 2014-05-04
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Библиотека Bascom\ILI9325 16bit library.BM | 64 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Библиотека Bascom\ILI9325 16bit | 35531 | 2014-05-05
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Конвертация картинок\Pic2Bin.exe | 136192 | 2013-12-10
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Полный test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.bas | 7316 | 2014-05-06
ILI9325\Kartinki222\Полный test ILI9325 + Atmega2561.bin | 86570 | 2014-05-06 |