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Title: 10_FPGA学习资料 Download
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  • Other systems
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  • 26.39mb
  • Update:
  • 2017-11-28
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  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 李白
 Description: FPGA development based on ISE12.3, using Verilog programming. The content is detailed, it is a good helper for a novice.
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10_FPGA学习资料\1st_day.pdf 3087704 2008-12-08
10_FPGA学习资料\Constraints guide.pdf 3327764 2010-08-10
10_FPGA学习资料\FPGA_Design_Flow_Xilinx.pdf 11277967 2010-08-10
10_FPGA学习资料\fpga时序收敛.pdf 676552 2010-08-10
10_FPGA学习资料\FPGA设计全流程.pdf 241547 2005-09-11
10_FPGA学习资料\PlanAhead_UserGuide.pdf 16573345 2010-08-10
10_FPGA学习资料\timing_constraints_ug.pdf 1057533 2010-08-10
10_FPGA学习资料\Tutorial 11 ChipscopePro ISE 10.1 and Xilinx Simulator.pdf 549415 2010-06-12
10_FPGA学习资料\What is the Pinout Area Constraints.pdf 318739 2010-08-10
10_FPGA学习资料\Xilinx MicroBlaze AVNET培训\mb_speedway_s06_8_1_1_1.pdf 4790723 2006-03-26
10_FPGA学习资料\Xilinx TI LVDS 参考设计.pdf 154671 2004-12-22
10_FPGA学习资料\Xilinx Virtex_DDR2.pdf 365466 2008-08-21
10_FPGA学习资料\xilinx 约束实现.pdf 104102 2010-08-10
10_FPGA学习资料\十分钟学会Xilinx FPGA 设计1.1.pdf 1760824 2005-03-19
10_FPGA学习资料\基于MicroBlaze的嵌入式系统设计.pdf 203174 2010-03-09
10_FPGA学习资料\(Xilinx)FPGA中LVDS差分高速传输的实现.doc 786432 2009-05-31
10_FPGA学习资料\Xilinx MicroBlaze AVNET培训

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