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Title: 宠娱网 Download
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  • Document
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  • File Size:
  • 464kb
  • Update:
  • 2017-12-28
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 李杰
 Description: Reception 1. browsing of pet and related information, star pet, display of hot goods and detailed information. 2. nursing knowledge. 3. the purchase of pet supplies includes the modification of the shopping cart information, the filling and submission of the order information. 4. members register, log in, if the password is lost when the password is lost. 5. daily bulletin, important event notice 6. system help Data processing and maintenance by the backstage system administrator: 1. system setting 2. basic data management 3. sales management 4. inventory information management Including requirements analysis specification, software design specification, system description, test plan, test plan, etc.
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宠娱网\宠娱网测试方案.doc 188416 2017-12-28
宠娱网\宠娱网系统说明.docx 15482 2017-12-16
宠娱网\测试.docx 25190 2017-12-28
宠娱网\测试计划.docx 28604 2017-12-28
宠娱网\软件设计规格说明书.doc 377344 2017-12-28
宠娱网\需求分析规格说明书 .doc 234496 2017-12-28
宠娱网 0 2017-12-28

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