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Downloads SourceCode Multimedia program
Title: MFC_Ffmpeg_sdl2_Player Download
 Description: Written by windows MFC FFMPEG
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader xucahngj]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
Player\LTexture.cpp 3257 2014-06-23
Player\LTexture.h 1147 2014-06-14
Player\MediaPlayer.cpp 28439 2014-06-23
Player\MediaPlayer.h 215 2014-06-15
Player\player.aps 104744 2014-06-15
Player\player.cpp 1993 2014-06-14
Player\player.h 442 2014-06-14
Player\player.rc 8738 2014-06-15
Player\player.vcxproj 6654 2014-06-15
Player\player.vcxproj.filters 2439 2014-06-15
Player\Player.vcxproj.user 143 2014-06-14
Player\playerDlg.cpp 2014 2014-06-23
Player\playerDlg.h 554 2014-06-14
Player\ReadMe.txt 2994 2014-06-14
Player\res\player.ico 67777 2009-08-31
Player\res\player.rc2 668 2014-06-14
Player\resource.h 1174 2014-06-14
Player\stdafx.cpp 139 2014-06-14
Player\stdafx.h 1632 2014-06-14
Player\targetver.h 234 2014-06-14
Player\res 0 2014-06-23
Player 0 2014-06-23

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