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Downloads SourceCode Graph program Graph Recognize
Title: liuwentaoboy-SegNet-RS-master Download
  • Category:
  • Graph Recognize
  • Tags:
  • File Size:
  • 2.19mb
  • Update:
  • 2018-01-08
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 李璐
 Description: The recognition of image numbers , combined with the Python language and opencv , it is powerful !
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 李璐]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
SegNet-RS 0 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\.idea 0 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\.idea\SegNet-RS.iml 284 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\.idea\inspectionProfiles 0 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\.idea\inspectionProfiles\profiles_settings.xml 128 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\.idea\misc.xml 208 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\.idea\modules.xml 270 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\.idea\vcs.xml 180 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\README.md 434 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\Screenshot from 2017-09-03 08:30:37.png 107327 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\Screenshot from 2017-09-03 08:37:13.png 115048 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\Screenshot from 2017-09-03 08:46:30.png 77841 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\Screenshot from 2017-09-03 09:23:29.png 831308 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\config.py 1926 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\convert_gt.py 2415 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\create_lmdb.py 4661 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\extract_images.py 4828 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\inference.py 8699 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\mean 0 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\mean\mean.binaryproto 196622 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\mean\mean.npy 393296 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\mean\proto2npy.py 519 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\net_figure.png 1051021 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\solve_file 0 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\solve_file\segnet.prototxt 19500 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\solve_file\solver.prototxt 477 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\test_segnet.prototxt 17666 2017-09-04
SegNet-RS\training.py 8280 2017-09-04

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