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Title: P_cineWMP_2017_11_10 sv21 Download
 Description: Activex player WMP based on the Windows Multimedia Player
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jeanjean]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
Conditions_compilation.txt 213 2017-12-31
image0.RES 217284 2017-12-26
Lecteur.ini 597 2018-01-13
lisez_moi.txt 290 2017-12-02
Lit_exif.pas 5004 2017-12-14
Main.dfm 31021 2018-01-09
Main.pas 64953 2018-01-09
P_cineWMP.dpr 647 2018-01-08
P_cineWMP.res 876 2017-12-12
res_souris.RES 852 2003-03-10
ShellConsts.pas 1153 2002-08-09
ShellCtrls.pas 98252 2018-01-13
traitement_touches.inc 10069 2018-01-04
U_about.dfm 16278 2018-01-04
U_about.pas 3282 2018-01-17
U_ID3v2.pas 13365 2018-01-04
U_image.dfm 1237 2018-01-08
U_image.pas 12675 2018-01-01
U_Tag.dfm 741 2017-12-24
U_Tag.pas 402 2017-12-24
U_video.dfm 1176 2017-12-17
U_video.pas 5997 2017-12-25
Variables.pas 2429 2018-01-04

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