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Title: dxflib-3.17.0-src Download
  • Category:
  • CAD
  • Tags:
  • [C/C++]
  • File Size:
  • 89kb
  • Update:
  • 2018-01-19
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
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 Description: Dxflib is a C++ library used to read and write DXF files. When reading a DXF file, dxflib analyzes the file and calls the function defined by the user to add entities, layers, and so on. It is important to note that dxflib does not save any entity or information. It only analyzes the identified entities and other objects from the DXF file. Using the dxflib library to read the DXF file does not need to know all of the DXF format information. Of course, the basic concepts such as entities, attributes, layers, and segments need to be understood. If you write the DXF file with the dxflib library, you need to know how the DXF file is organized. Dxflib is completely based on the C/C++ standard library and does not depend on any other libraries
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
dxflib-3.17.0-src\dxflib.doxygen 4848 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\dxflib.pro 545 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\dxflib_commercial_license.txt 9620 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\readwrite\demo.dxf 101099 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\readwrite\main.cpp 6294 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\readwrite\myfile.dxf 6772 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\readwrite\test.pro 734 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\readwrite\test_creationclass.cpp 4050 2018-01-19
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\readwrite\test_creationclass.h 1898 2018-01-19
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writedimension\dimension.dxf 6234 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writedimension\main.cpp 3524 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writedimension\writedimension.pro 743 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writehatch\hatch.dxf 6153 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writehatch\main.cpp 2537 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writehatch\writehatch.pro 740 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\gpl-2.0greater.txt 18092 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_attributes.h 5755 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_codes.h 21926 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_creationadapter.h 5747 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_creationinterface.h 11348 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_dxf.cpp 144286 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_dxf.h 18666 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_entities.h 42247 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_exception.h 1541 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_extrusion.h 3102 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_global.h 299 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_writer.h 13998 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_writer_ascii.cpp 3530 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src\dl_writer_ascii.h 2258 2017-05-18
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\readwrite 0 2018-01-19
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writedimension 0 2018-01-19
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples\writehatch 0 2018-01-19
dxflib-3.17.0-src\examples 0 2018-01-19
dxflib-3.17.0-src\src 0 2018-01-19
dxflib-3.17.0-src 0 2018-01-19

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