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Title: self-avoiding-walking Download
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  • Update:
  • 2018-01-27
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  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • ganglike
 Description: In the preceding polymer lattice random walk model, the orientation of each bond is completely random and has nothing to do with the orientation of the adjacent key. That is, the polymer can return the lattice that it has occupied, which is of course not physically possible. A preliminary remedy is not allowed to fold back the bond vector of polymer, rn+1rn+1 orientation can not be - RN - RN, Z and 1z were only from the remaining 1 - orientation choose one orientation. Therefore, in this modified model, rnrn has been determined, the average value of rn+1rn+1 rn+1 RN rn+1 RN is not 0, but meet the annex to the code
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randomwalkplot.py 587 2018-01-12
self-avoiding-walk.py 1045 2018-01-15
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