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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network Search Engine
Title: xx_20030222 Download
 Description: next generation Skynet document search engine
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader kekeko]
 To Search:
  • [Find] - Example of a file search, it is also use
  • [uCOS-EB55] - C/OS-II in the transplant AT91M55800A c
  • [Spideroo] - C# to write a search engine, search, ind
  • [BaiduWordthesaurus.Rar] - allegedly Baidu before the Chinese word
  • [SplitWord] - Chinese word components, the Chinese wor
  • [DirMonitor1] - This a document control procedures, the
  • [SearchFileTools] - a document search tool, you can search y
  • [clucene-core-0.9.15] - a search engine's basic code, the algori
  • [googldemo] - This code for the google search engine t
  • [YQJK] - Public opinion monitoring system, set th
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