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Title: G729协议网络聊天源代码 Download
 Description: agreement to use G.729 for voice transmission, network dialogue source code, oh great value.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader seal_luo]
 To Search: g729 G.729 FFT SIP g729
  • [w3c-libwww-5.2.6.tar] - Toolkit for
  • [P2Pc#] - a peer-to-peer version of the c# source
  • [EasyG729A] - ITU G.729a codec, along with test code.
  • [skype] - found on the Internet SKYPE source, peer
  • [cfWorldWindSource] - function : Based on the windows mobile m
  • [TalkG726] - The use of G726 codec VOIP packet voice
  • [g729-itu] - G729 realize the fixed-point C, you can
  • [G.729] - To achieve successful G.729 source code,
  • [JRTPConsole] - RTP written agreement to use a transmiss
  • [QQ2004_Source] - QQ2004 imitation of the Server/Client so
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