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Title: BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo Download
 Description: Using Boland C++ Builder 6 for serial programming to achieve the data that can be sent by the serial port, and to send the fixed data in the program, it is a Demo that a beginner can refer to.
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BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo 0 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Project1.bpr 3813 2018-03-21
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Project1.cpp 1069 2018-03-21
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Project1.exe 46592 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Project1.obj 18492 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Project1.res 876 2018-03-21
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Project1.tds 2293760 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Project1.~bpr 3755 2018-03-21
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.cpp 3851 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.ddp 51 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.dfm 1620 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.h 1365 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.obj 243198 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.~cpp 3851 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.~ddp 51 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.~dfm 1620 2018-04-03
BCB串口编程接收任意发送固定Demo\Unit1.~h 1365 2018-04-03

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