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Title: FireWorks Download
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  • Update:
  • 2018-05-03
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 子不语369
 Description: Since the publication of the pioneering algorithm of the fireworks algorithm in 2010 by Professor Tan Ying and others in [1], the research on fireworks algorithm has gradually deepened and spread in the industry. Through the careful and thorough analysis of the original fireworks algorithm, a large number of improvement methods are put forward in view of the shortage of the original fireworks algorithm (FWA), and a variety of improved algorithms are developed, and the performance of the original fireworks algorithm is greatly improved. At the same time, the solution of the fireworks algorithm is not solved. With the ability of the same type optimization problem, a large number of researchers have applied the research on the fireworks algorithm, and given some typical successful application cases.
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FireWorks 0 2018-05-02
FireWorks\benchmark_func.m 28314 2011-06-01
FireWorks\FAMAIN.m 2946 2011-12-01
FireWorks\fun_ackley.m 376 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_griewank.m 166 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_michalewics.m 302 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_perm.m 362 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_rastrigin.m 150 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_rosenbrock.m 297 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_schafferf6.m 320 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_schwefel.m 191 2011-05-25
FireWorks\fun_sphere.m 146 2011-05-25
FireWorks\func_plot.m 2023 2011-05-31
FireWorks\mathConfidenceComputing.m 561 2011-05-28
FireWorks\mathNorm.m 456 2011-05-27
FireWorks\optFWE.m 4410 2011-09-10
FireWorks\scope_cal.m 453 2011-05-30
FireWorks\scope_calm.m 450 2011-05-30
FireWorks\scope_calScaleModify.m 818 2011-06-01
FireWorks\seedGaussMutation.m 1434 2011-05-27
FireWorks\selectNextIterationOnEntropy.m 2215 2011-05-28
FireWorks\selectNextIterationOnGuoTao.m 1973 2011-05-29
FireWorks\selectNextIterationOnPan.m 1970 2011-05-29
FireWorks\selectNextIterationOnPan_Modify.m 2731 2011-05-29
FireWorks\selectNextIterationOnRand.m 1062 2011-05-29
FireWorks\selectNextIterationOnRandSelect.m 1660 2011-05-29
FireWorks\sons_generate.m 1716 2011-05-27
FireWorks\sonsnum_cal.m 736 2011-05-30
FireWorks\sonsnum_calBestAround.m 921 2011-06-01
FireWorks\util_getFunctionParams.m 11817 2011-09-11

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