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Title: 图像去噪程序 Download
 Description: Wavelet threshold denoising has a strong correlation. Through wavelet threshold processing, the noise can be divided into corresponding wavelet coefficients. After threshold processing, the noise can be filtered, so as to achieve the effect of denoising.
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图像去噪程序 0 2018-11-25
图像去噪程序\MSE.m 189 2007-07-02
图像去噪程序\WaveletDenoising.m 1741 2018-11-25
图像去噪程序\den2.m 756 2007-07-09
图像去噪程序\den3.m 856 2007-06-07
图像去噪程序\hangpai.jpg 206160 2018-11-24
图像去噪程序\lena.jpg 47132 2018-11-08
图像去噪程序\lena.png 150923 2000-10-07
图像去噪程序\noise.m 1051 2007-07-01
图像去噪程序\pic.tif 250454 2004-01-18
图像去噪程序\psnr.m 487 2011-11-25
图像去噪程序\wdenoise.m 1799 2018-11-17
图像去噪程序\woman.mat 198431 2013-05-17

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