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Title: jealizesand Download
 Description: The VC program of the industrial control board card realizes the DI program, which is similar to the ad conversion programming, and also provides the connection library method to call.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader Adakl]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
ReadMe.txt 4229 2004-10-18
11.h 1321 2004-10-18
11Doc.h 1445 2004-10-18
11View.h 2294 2004-10-21
DRIVCE.h 88206 2003-03-20
MainFrm.h 1581 2004-10-18
MemDC.h 3284 2000-06-16
OS.h 109 2003-03-20
Resource.h 488 2004-10-18
StdAfx.h 1054 2004-10-18
11Doc.cpp 1696 2004-10-18
11View.cpp 6186 2005-07-06
911.cpp 4165 2004-10-18
MainFrm.cpp 2503 2004-10-18
StdAfx.cpp 204 2004-10-18
ADSAPI32.DLL 86016 2002-04-23
ADSAPI32.LIB 73070 1999-04-01
res\Toolbar.bmp 1078 2004-10-18
F11.aps 28628 2004-10-18
N11.clw 2222 2004-10-19
11.dsp 4691 2004-10-19
11.dsw 529 2004-10-18
res\11.ico 1078 2004-10-18
res\11Doc.ico 1078 2004-10-18
res\CAIJIDI.ico 1078 2003-08-20
res\CAIJIDIDoc.ico 1078 2003-08-20
11.plg 1378 2005-07-17
11.rc 10493 2004-10-18
res\11.rc2 394 2004-10-18
res\CAIJIDI.rc2 399 2003-08-20
res 0 2018-11-08

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