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Title: 差分调制与解调 Download
 Description: This code generates binary codes randomly, modulates them by binary differential modulation, demodulates them with Gauss white noise and calculates the bit error rate, draws the experimental curve and theoretical curve of their input signal-to-noise ratio and output signal-to-noise ratio.
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差分调制与解调\bandlimit_noise.m 548 2015-10-28
差分调制与解调\dpsk_receiver.m 2342 2018-12-12
差分调制与解调\fir_bpf.m 559 2018-12-05
差分调制与解调\NO2_2.m 496 2018-12-12
差分调制与解调\psk_receiver1.m 2576 2018-12-12
差分调制与解调 0 2018-12-17

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