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Title: 学生信息管理系统C++ Download
 Description: VC++ 6.0 console program to achieve the management of student information, add, modify, query and delete student information.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 万能111]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
project 0 2018-12-18
project\Debug 0 2018-12-21
project\Debug\project.exe 594048 2018-01-19
project\Debug\student.txt 30 2018-01-19
project\ReadMe.txt 1214 2018-01-18
project\Release 0 2018-12-21
project\Release\project.exe 200704 2018-01-19
project\Release\student.txt 48 2018-01-19
project\StdAfx.cpp 294 2018-01-18
project\StdAfx.h 667 2018-01-18
project\project.cpp 7071 2018-06-05
project\project.dsp 4548 2018-01-18
project\project.dsw 522 2018-01-18
project\project.ncb 50176 2018-12-18
project\project.opt 49664 2018-12-18
project\project.plg 1361 2018-01-19
project\student.txt 0 2018-01-19
运行程序 0 2018-06-27
运行程序\student.txt 21 2018-12-18
运行程序\学生信息管理系统.exe 200704 2018-01-19

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