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Title: HslCommunicationDemo Download
 Description: Examples of communication with Mitsubishi Plc written with C #
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader xiaobengwang]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
HslCommunicationDemo\HslCommunication.dll 580608 2019-02-13
HslCommunicationDemo\HslCommunicationDemo.exe 643584 2019-02-13
HslCommunicationDemo\logs.txt 84208 2019-02-14
HslCommunicationDemo\Newtonsoft.Json.dll 487848 2018-11-27
HslCommunicationDemo\软件自动更新.exe 55296 2018-11-24
HslCommunicationDemo 0 2019-02-14

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