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Title: MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】 Download
 Description: This project is based on MATLAB platform image defogging processing, equipped with a human-computer interactive GUI interface, you can choose local histogram equalization, global histogram equalization, Retinex algorithm, by comparing the histogram of the image before and after processing, and the histogram is a table of the number of gray value distribution in 0-256, information theory has been clear, with uniform distribution histogram Image, its information is the largest.
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MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】 0 2020-07-31
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\GUI视图.jpg 221166 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\Img1.mat 826985 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\Img2.mat 5747494 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\Retinex去雾效果图.jpg 91821 2019-07-15
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\images 0 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\images\800-1.jpeg 15058 2016-01-11
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\images\800.jpeg 23006 2016-01-11
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\main.fig 12517 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\main.m 8581 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\图像去雾文档.doc 486912 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\打开方式.txt 572 2020-07-31
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\暗通道去雾效果图.jpg 45836 2020-07-30
MATLAB视频去雾【GUI,源码,论文】\直方图去雾效果图.jpg 53065 2016-04-30

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