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Title: Max引擎登陆器配置器[100101版] Download
 Description: Note: the configurator supports the configuration of hero, return, external biography, hero enhancement, return to strengthen version, please choose your own When the legendary login configurator generates the lander, the default skin file read is: template x skin.jpg or Template x skin. BMP x is the template number. You can also manually specify the skin of each template in the configurator General custom patch. Wil is the max of hot blood 1.76 external lander_ Prguse patch, Return custom supplement. Wil is the max of legendary return lander_ Prguse patch
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 传奇外传]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
补丁文件夹\Config\MaxDefInfo\Assistant.ini 921 2009-04-28
补丁文件夹\Config\MaxDefInfo\Filtrate.txt 11262 2009-04-28
补丁文件夹\Data\ui\oem.uib 76002 2009-12-06
Config.ini 996 2009-12-06
Npc大对话窗补丁.rar 230832 2009-12-31
ServerList.txt 789 2009-12-06
SuitItemHints.txt 1713 2010-02-05
补本打包工具.exe 412672 2009-07-10
登陆器配置器.exe 19845632 2010-06-10
归来自定义补丁.wil 267447 2010-02-27
归来自定义补丁.WIX 344 2010-02-27
扩展功能说明.txt 996 2009-11-26
模板二皮肤.jpg 186005 2009-11-27
模板六皮肤.jpg 55757 2009-04-02
模板三皮肤.jpg 98159 2009-04-29
模板四皮肤.bmp 1911056 2009-05-04
模板五皮肤.bmp 1615448 2009-05-04
模板一皮肤.jpg 87246 2009-11-27
内挂物品过滤生成.exe 344576 2009-04-28
配置器使用说明.txt 851 2009-11-27
通用自定义补丁.wil 345829 2010-02-27
通用自定义补丁.WIX 344 2010-02-27
补丁文件夹\Config\MaxDefInfo 0 2009-09-30
补丁文件夹\Data\ui 0 2009-12-06
补丁文件夹\Config 0 2009-09-30
补丁文件夹\Data 0 2009-12-06
补丁文件夹\Map 0 2008-06-22
补丁文件夹\Wav 0 2008-06-22
补丁文件夹 0 2009-11-27

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