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Title: AltitudeKF-master Download
 Description: A linear Kalman filter estimating altitude and vertical velocity by doing sensor fusion of acceleration and any altitude measurement such as e.g. barometer or SONAR.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 杨泽琼]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
AltitudeKF-master 0 2018-01-04
AltitudeKF-master\LICENSE.md 266 2018-01-04
AltitudeKF-master\README.md 1658 2018-01-04
AltitudeKF-master\altitude_kf.cpp 4235 2018-01-04
AltitudeKF-master\altitude_kf.h 2080 2018-01-04

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