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Title: lz4_win32_v1_9_3 Download
 Description: Very fast lz4 for Windows...
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jgag]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
dll 0 2020-11-16
dll\liblz4.dll.a 61030 2020-11-16
dll\msys-lz4-1.dll 176841 2020-11-16
example 0 2020-11-16
example\fullbench-dll.sln 1269 2020-11-16
example\fullbench-dll.vcxproj 10157 2020-11-16
example\fullbench.c 32494 2020-11-16
example\Makefile 2031 2020-11-16
example\xxhash.c 34045 2020-11-16
example\xxhash.h 13466 2020-11-16
include 0 2020-11-16
include\lz4.h 40861 2020-11-16
include\lz4frame.h 28899 2020-11-16
include\lz4hc.h 20165 2020-11-16
lz4.exe 290002 2020-11-16
NEWS 15979 2020-11-16
README.md 3013 2020-11-16
static 0 2020-11-16
static\liblz4_static.lib 168732 2020-11-16

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